
Distressed students have behavior that develops over time. Their behavior interferes with their ability to participate in class and complete course assignments. While each person is different, here are some behaviors typically exhibited by students in distress:

  • 情绪或行为的明显变化
  • 威胁行为和/或跟踪
  • 极度不安、激动
  • Change in grades, class attendance, work habits
  • 明显的焦虑、恐慌或回避行为
  • Direct or indirect expressions of hopelessness/suicidal thoughts
  • Disturbing material submitted in classwork, papers, exams
  • Evidence of self-inflicted harm: scars, cuts, burns, etc.
  • 不卫生/衣服不合适
  • 怪异的或不寻常的行为或言语
  • 提交质量下降的工作
  • Withdrawal and/or avoidance from participation, 对考试或截止日期的焦虑增加, 团队合作困难
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things that do not exist)
  • Tardiness and excessive absences inconsistent with their prior history


Disruptive behavior is behavior that interferes with the learning environment as well as university functions or activities. This behavior prohibits faculty and staff from performing their duties and is not tolerated at this university. 持久性, 严重程度, and nature of the behavior are key factors in determining if it is disruptive. While the range of disruptive behavior may vary between individuals, there are a few examples:

  • 在别人说话的时候说话
  • 言语上的纠缠,频繁的打断
  • Cursing or using derogatory and demeaning language
  • 垄断课堂时间或讨论
  • 拒绝服从书面或口头的指示
  • 跟踪
  • 语言或身体威胁
  • 过度嘈杂
  • 对人或财产的身体攻击
  • Refusal to comply with faculty or staff direction
  • 吵闹和/或不稳定的行为
  • Persistent and unreasonable demands for attention
  • 恐吓他人的行为
  • 人身攻击威胁
  • 浪漫或强迫行为


  1. 立即解决. This behavior should not be ignored because it will give way to more disturbances more often. 一些骚乱可能涉及愤怒, during this time it is important to know that the peak time of anger is typically 20-30 seconds. Although this may seem like a lot of time, it is best to ‘wait it out’ before progressing. 保持冷静, 有礼貌, and direct in your conversation with the student and inform the student that the behavior is inappropriate.
  2. 与学生进行适当的交谈. If the disturbance happened in front of the classroom, a private conversation should be held with the student. Offer to speak with the student outside the classroom or in your office space. During this time, give the student the opportunity to speak and be heard. Utilizing active listening is key during this conversation. This conversation is also a chance for you as a staff or faculty member to set behavioral boundaries and expectations with the student.
  3. Take notes and keep a timeline of events pertaining to the student’s behavior. It is important to document each incident as soon as possible to ensure accuracy. Be sure to include date, time, 位置, 以及对发生的事情的详细回顾.


Depending on the nature of the disruption, you may need to contact emergency authorities.

联系 公共安全部 (DPS) at (713) 313- 7000/7001 如果学生: 

  • Threatens to injure, harm, or kill themselves or others
  • 报告或引发炸弹恐慌
  • 威胁要拥有枪支
  • Refuses to leave the classroom after being asked to leave


If you have taken the necessary steps in addressing disruptive behavior and the behavior is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, you can refer the student to the Office of 学生的行为. If you are unsure if the behavior violates any policy feel free to contact the office at (713) 313-1038, 我们很乐意讨论. 指的是学生, 请注明日期, time, 位置, 以及对发生的事情的详细回顾. 如果可能的话, please have students who have witnessed the behavior to write a statement of what they have witnessed. You can report any incident to the office at the following link: 

http://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?TexasSouthernUniv&layout_id = 0